
Group: DynoMotion Message: 10227 From: mljh Date: 10/2/2014
Subject: Just getting started with KFlop

Hello all, I've decided to use KFlop for motion control on a Grizzly G0602 10x22 lathe I am converting to CNC.  I'll most likely start with using Mach3 as the front end since I have a lot of experience with it. I've converted or built 6 other CNC machines over the years but this will be the first "non parallel, non Mach3 controller" conversion. So I have a couple of questions!

1) I'll be driving a pair of 570oz/in NEMA 23 steppers with Keling KL-5056D digital bipolar drivers. I have not yet figured out how I will interface these to the KFlop. They are 5V logic for the Pul +/- and Dir +/-. Do folks typically interface directly to the GPIO #0 pins as indicated in the block diagram?

2) I plan to convert the G0602's motor over to a VFD with an encoder so I can thread. What is recommended for an encoder - I read the FAQ on encoders but does anyone have any specific product recommendations for a quadrature encoder for spindle RPM?




Group: DynoMotion Message: 10229 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 10/2/2014
Subject: Re: Just getting started with KFlop
H Michael,

Those drives are probably incompatible with KFLOP because of the 5us Direction Setup Time requirement.  It seems those are the slower 200KHz drives from Leadshine.  See:

USDigital.com is a reasonable source for encoders.  High resolution should not be necessary.  Try to purchase encoders with differential outputs whether or not you initiallly want to use differential signals.


From: "mhackney@... [DynoMotion]" <DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com>
To: DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, October 2, 2014 8:42 AM
Subject: [DynoMotion] Just getting started with KFlop

Hello all, I've decided to use KFlop for motion control on a Grizzly G0602 10x22 lathe I am converting to CNC.  I'll most likely start with using Mach3 as the front end since I have a lot of experience with it. I've converted or built 6 other CNC machines over the years but this will be the first "non parallel, non Mach3 controller" conversion. So I have a couple of questions!

1) I'll be driving a pair of 570oz/in NEMA 23 steppers with Keling KL-5056D digital bipolar drivers. I have not yet figured out how I will interface these to the KFlop. They are 5V logic for the Pul +/- and Dir +/-. Do folks typically interface directly to the GPIO #0 pins as indicated in the block diagram?

2) I plan to convert the G0602's motor over to a VFD with an encoder so I can thread. What is recommended for an encoder - I read the FAQ on encoders but does anyone have any specific product recommendations for a quadrature encoder for spindle RPM?


Group: DynoMotion Message: 10230 From: Colin Fera Date: 10/2/2014
Subject: Re: Just getting started with KFlop
I use very similar lead shine drives and don't have a problem.

On Oct 2, 2014, at 11:16, "Tom Kerekes tk@... [DynoMotion]" <DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com> wrote:


H Michael,

Those drives are probably incompatible with KFLOP because of the 5us Direction Setup Time requirement.  It seems those are the slower 200KHz drives from Leadshine.  See:

USDigital.com is a reasonable source for encoders.  High resolution should not be necessary.  Try to purchase encoders with differential outputs whether or not you initiallly want to use differential signals.


From: "mhackney@... [DynoMotion]" <DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com>
To: DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, October 2, 2014 8:42 AM
Subject: [DynoMotion] Just getting started with KFlop

Hello all, I've decided to use KFlop for motion control on a Grizzly G0602 10x22 lathe I am converting to CNC.  I'll most likely start with using Mach3 as the front end since I have a lot of experience with it. I've converted or built 6 other CNC machines over the years but this will be the first "non parallel, non Mach3 controller" conversion. So I have a couple of questions!

1) I'll be driving a pair of 570oz/in NEMA 23 steppers with Keling KL-5056D digital bipolar drivers. I have not yet figured out how I will interface these to the KFlop. They are 5V logic for the Pul +/- and Dir +/-. Do folks typically interface directly to the GPIO #0 pins as indicated in the block diagram?

2) I plan to convert the G0602's motor over to a VFD with an encoder so I can thread. What is recommended for an encoder - I read the FAQ on encoders but does anyone have any specific product recommendations for a quadrature encoder for spindle RPM?


Group: DynoMotion Message: 10237 From: mljh Date: 10/3/2014
Subject: Re: Just getting started with KFlop
Ok, so I have several choices but I'm nit sure which path to take yet. I would like to continue down the Kflop path and work out a driver combination that works. Does anyone have any experience/feedback on the 2 most viable options:

1) replace the KL drivers with Geckos - I can return and replace them easily
2) replace the KL drivers with the KStep - this might actually be the less $ solution to drive my two 5A steppers. A bit overkill with 4 drivers but would enable a tool changer or some other upgrade in the future

I'm not too thrilled about spending time checking if the KL drivers might work. Time is a premium for me and I'd rather spend it moving forward, not experimenting!

Group: DynoMotion Message: 10238 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 10/3/2014
Subject: Re: Just getting started with KFlop
Hi Michael,

This question often comes up and like I've said before I think it comes down to what is your primary objective. 

The Geckos are hands down the higher performance drives permitting higher voltage and with better anti-resonance features that will likely permit higher top end speeds.

KSTEP provides a smaller more integrated package with less wiring, more efficient FETS (no heat sinking required), higher 16X microstepping for higher resolution and smoother low speed motion, on-board voltage clamping (allows use of smaller switching power supplies without big caps to absorb regenerative braking energy), no tuning pots, includes (16) 24V Opto inputs, 2 relay drivers, an analog output, and at lower cost. 


Group: DynoMotion Message: 10239 From: Michael Hackney Date: 10/3/2014
Subject: Re: Just getting started with KFlop
Thanks Tom, this is a pretty basic 2 axis 10x22 lathe that I don't expect to operate at extreme performance. It just needs to be reliable. The drivers I had with a parallel port BOB would have been absolutely fine for this machine. The primary reason I didn't just go down that path - where I have a lot of experience with my other machines - was to try something new that is more aligned with where the small production controller world is heading. Parallel ports are a dinosaur and doing machine control on a general purpose PC is problematic. So this was to be a relatively simple opportunity to do something new for learning purposes, but it does need to work!


On Oct 3, 2014, at 12:18 PM, Tom Kerekes tk@... [DynoMotion] <DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

Hi Michael,

This question often comes up and like I've said before I think it comes down to what is your primary objective.  

The Geckos are hands down the higher performance drives permitting higher voltage and with better anti-resonance features that will likely permit higher top end speeds.

KSTEP provides a smaller more integrated package with less wiring, more efficient FETS (no heat sinking required), higher 16X microstepping for higher resolution and smoother low speed motion, on-board voltage clamping (allows use of smaller switching power supplies without big caps to absorb regenerative braking energy), no tuning pots, includes (16) 24V Opto inputs, 2 relay drivers, an analog output, and at lower cost. 


Group: DynoMotion Message: 10242 From: mljh Date: 10/3/2014
Subject: Re: Just getting started with KFlop
Ok, after careful thought and discussion I've decided to move forward and order a KStep. You have the order Tom, this should be a lot more convenient for me!
